Wondering what’s truly possible when you start or scale your online business with the right support?

This could be you in a matter of weeks or months.

We have transformed over 100+ health & wellness businesses (and lives!) in the past few years.

Don’t just take our word for it - Read more about health professionals and wellness coaches like you who have...

  • learned to talk to people about business in a way that doesn’t feel salesy

  • gained premium clients

  • turned impostor syndrome into confidence

  • earned more money than before, and created more time

  • put systems in place to scale their business

Our Freedom Sprint Students

“Don’t waste your time trying to do it on your own.”

After 14 years of experience in the RD field, I opened my LLC and started my website and social media…and nothing happened. I was working hard, spinning my wheels but wasn’t going in any specific direction, wasting my valuable time with no results to show for it. Once I joined the program, in 4 months, I was able to gain premium clients and set up my business in a way that I not only know exactly what to do to achieve my goals but to grow and scale.

~ Lucy Hutchings, RD

“I love that Javier & Marissa practice what they preach.”

When I first joined the program, I was miserable in my 9-5 job and was looking for a way to gain freedom while doing what I loved. I wasn’t sure about pursuing my niche and needed guidance and support. One month into the program, I was able to build a small community and got leads that kickstarted my business.

~Corrine Gayl, RD

“The program helped me grow my community of 128 people to 2000+ people of qualified leads within a year.”

Despite being in a business for 7 years prior to joining the program, I had a hard time building an online community. The best thing about Javi & Marissa is that they will teach you how to talk to people about your business in a way that doesn’t feel salesy. They help you gain confidence, have genuine conversations, and learn systems that work. When you join The Freedom Sprint, you will get 2 dedicated coaches truly invested in your success. I only wish I had met them sooner.

~ Kimberly Lukhard, Hockey Mom RD

“I always felt heard, supported, and like my success matters.”

Before I joined the program, I was overwhelmed, disorganized, and just hopped from one thing to another. The program helped me turn my impostor syndrome into confidence, provided clarity in my business, and showed me how to audit my time to be more efficient. I am no longer afraid of my own success and of the unknown, and I’m setting big goals not only in my business but in my personal life too. Javier & Marissa will motivate and inspire you to dream bigger, and truly help you turn your private practice dreams into reality.

~​​Meghan Rittmaster, RD

“The #1 advice other dietitians will give you is to work with a business coach. I only wish I listened to them sooner.”

Working with business coaches like Javier & Marissa allows you to learn from someone who was in your shoes once, and use their resources and apply their strategies to your business. They have an extreme wealth of knowledge, and It’s amazing how much value they offer. I love that there are modules you can take at your own pace, which is perfect if you work 9-5 on top of running your private practice, but you can also join live trainings.

~ Lindsay Ducharme, RD

Our Accelerator Mastermind Participants

“Javi and Marissa have lots of resources as well as a team that can help you take your business off the ground.”

I started my business about 6 months ago and found it really hard to understand the marketing/sales aspect of running a business. I’m really good at what I do as a dietitian, but marketing your business isn’t something they teach you in school. If you’re on the fence about joining the program, picture yourself a year from now and where you want to be, and Javi & Marissa will take you there.

~Alex Gardner, RD

“I more than doubled my monthly revenue and learned how to automate my business”

Before joining the program, I was maxing out on how many clients I could take per month and the revenue I could achieve. This program showed me a new perspective and helped me develop a group program that helped me scale my business and expand the way I can help clients. I believe it would take me years to learn all the secrets on my own without the guidance of Javier and Marissa. I have 0 regrets and believe that if you’re willing to follow their lead, you will see great returns.

~ Kate B, Run Coach 

“This program showed me that with the right guidance, I have what it takes to grow my business.”

My biggest struggle was having systems in place. I had trouble managing all clients’ communication, managing social media, and in general, feeling overwhelmed. Since I started working with The Practice Revolution, I was able to organize my business and put in place systems that actually helped me grow. Working with practitioners who take you through the nitty-gritty of what needs to be done is priceless. And the community of others provides support and inspiration.

~ Emily Campbell, RD

“Within 1 month, I was able to pre-sell a program and make back my investment.”

When I started working with Javi & Marissa in August 2020, I was running my business as a side hustle along with my 9-5 job. The program helped me scale this side hustle from earning $7k annually to $130k annually over the course of 15 months. I was able to leave my 9-5 shortly after, and now I see all the possibilities that running your own private practice brings. It’s not easy to step away from a safe and secure job, but learning that I can do what I love while helping people in ways that I didn’t even know were possible, earning more money than before, and having more time for my family…that is the freedom I didn’t know existed. And with an online business, the amount of people we can reach and help is incredible. It feels like the sky is the limit.

~Katie Dodd, RD

“Joining the program was the best thing I ever did for myself.”

I lost my job during the pandemic, and as a new mom, I decided to start my own business to have the flexibility I needed. I tried…and failed miserably. When I found Javier & Marissa’s program, I loved how invested in their student’s success they were. Their dedication, as well as personal experience with being where I was, gave me the courage to invest in myself. Before joining, I was making $3000/month, which barely got my needs covered, and within a month, I doubled my income. More importantly, it became predictable, which removed the stress of living paycheck to paycheck.

~ Jewel Queppet, Nutritionist

“Without this Accelerator Mastermind, I would have never made it where I am today.”

I was making no sales before I joined this program last November. Javi showed me in just one day the sales script they use, and I was able to close a client in less than 24h! As I was learning more from the program, I could not believe the amount of knowledge they share and the support they provide along the way. Today one year later, I have consistent $10k months and even over $10k weeks. I truly believe that you have to invest in yourself to get more on the other end. 

~ Leslie Urbas, RD

We love seeing our clients win!

It makes our day when our clients share their wins with us. We love it when our clients feel energized to quit their corporate jobs and transition into full time entrepreneurship with our support. It’s humbling to be a part of their journey. 

Are you ready to become a success story?

Our Mission

We’re on a mission to help registered dietitians and certified nutrition coaches build + scale their private practice to increase their income and impact. Get ready to build the career you’ve always wanted, while inviting more freedom and flexibility into your life.

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