This is your legacy

Let us help you build a thriving private practice you can be proud of

High-touch coaching programs for registered dietitians and certified nutrition coaches who want to ditch the 9-to-5 and create more income + impact while staying in integrity.

The way we see it, there are two ways to build your health or wellness business

The hard way

→ Start your own business with all the enthusiasm to figure everything out on your own. This is an adventure, after all!

→ You’ve always been told that asking for support is a sign of weakness and you want to do the brave thing.

→ At first, you ride the high of taking that leap, but then reality sets in. You become frustrated and exhausted trying to do everything yourself.

→ You try to hold on to your vision, but there are too many decisions to navigate alone.  

→ You agonize over whether you should leave your job or build your business on the side. Which social media platform should you choose? How do you strategically build and leverage your network? Are ads worth the investment?

→ While you hop from idea to idea without a sounding board, you also find yourself riding the income and emotional roller coaster. 

→ Some months, you make it rain, but others are sparse. You realize it’s because you haven’t figured out a reliable system to create a consistent flow of clients and predictable income every month.

→ This also means you haven’t been able to hire high-quality support in your business, and you’re stuck doing #allthethings: service delivery, admin, content creation, and client support

→ Then it hits you: you’ve chosen a career path that feels chaotic and unfulfilling yet again.

The smart way

→ Start your own business and invest in quality mentorship because you want to avoid spinning your wheels in this crucial phase. 

→ You know asking for help is a sign of maturity, and you’re ready to leverage vetted shortcuts and proven strategies to reach your goals without wasting time.

→ You ride the high of taking that leap and are so proud of yourself for sustaining that momentum with the right support. 

→ You hold on to your vision with ease. And even though you have doubts and tough decisions to navigate, you rest easy knowing that you’re fully supported by your coaches and peers. 

→ You get to pick battle-tested shortcuts that align with your values and lifestyle goals, and you take imperfect action that grows your business steadily. 

→ Soon, you not only have a pipeline of warm leads and happy clients, but you see yourself getting booked out in the near future. You’ve reached your income goals faster than you ever imagined while impacting more lives with ease.  

→ This means you can finally hire the right support and be the visionary in your business - not the employee. 

→ You have more white space on your calendar to rest, spend time with your family, and even take weeks off from your business.

This could be you in just a few months…

“The #1 advice other dietitians will give you is to work with a business coach. I only wish I listened to them sooner.”

Working with business coaches like Javier & Marissa allows you to learn from someone who was in your shoes once, and use their resources and apply their strategies to your business. They have an extreme wealth of knowledge, and It’s amazing how much value they offer. I love that there are modules you can take at your own pace, which is perfect if you work 9-5 on top of running your private practice, but you can also join live trainings.

~ Lindsay Ducharme, RD

“Javi and Marissa have lots of resources as well as a team that can help you take your business off the ground.”

I started my business about 6 months ago and found it really hard to understand the marketing/sales aspect of running a business. I’m really good at what I do as a dietitian, but marketing your business isn’t something they teach you in school. If you’re on the fence about joining the program, picture yourself a year from now and where you want to be, and Javi & Marissa will take you there.

~Alex Gardner, RD

Want to work with us?

We’re here to equip you with proven strategies for every stage of your online health or wellness business

The Freedom Sprint

This 6-month coaching program with self-paced modules and live, hands-on support by Javier, Marissa, and our team is perfect for health professionals and wellness coaches who are READY and willing to launch their business and big ideas into the world. 

You’re DONE waiting on your dreams, and you want robust support to create a strong foundation for your new business and create impact in the world.

This program is ideal for new registered dietitians and certified nutrition coaches who want to finally launch their business. You can also join if you have been in business for 6-12 months and want to attract clients more predictably and regularly. 

After this program, you will:

  • Have radical clarity about your niche and know how to position yourself as the obvious choice in that space

  • Create objection-proof packages that help you meet your income goals faster

  • Discover how to authentically market and sell on social media without giving in to imposter syndrome

  • Continue to stay on your ideal client’s radar and increase customer lifetime value by setting up your own Facebook Group

BONUS 1: Uncover how to navigate Instagram and stay relevant no matter how often the algorithm changes

BONUS 2: Master in-person networking - connect with providers and businesses - create a great referral network

VIP Tech Package Add-on: 

Grow your business faster without getting stuck in the weeds. You will get:

  • Get done-for-you lead magnet funnel 

  • An application funnel already mapped out 

  • Calendar systems to skyrocket your productivity

  • More time-saving templates as well as 

  • Access to Go High Level (the best CRM system for health professionals & wellness coaches) for 6 months

The Practice Accelerator Mastermind

Been in business for a while and looking to level up? This year-long program is perfect for seasoned registered dietitians and certified nutrition coaches who are booked out and looking to scale their business with the right systems, marketing strategies, and one-to-many group programs. 

Join the mastermind to build a business that works around your life - not the other way around. 

When you sign up, you’ll get personalized support on 1:1 calls with Marissa, Javi, and other experts on our team, while also learning from your talented peers (who are handpicked to be in the cohort) on multiple weekly group coaching calls. 

After this program, you will:

  • Reclaim your time and brain space by successfully transitioning to group programs that deliver life-changing results

  • Save more hours in the day with the right systems and automations that serve your business ecosystem and align with your values

  • Discover the secrets of enrolling people at scale through engaging in-person events that provide value and instantly build trust

  • Get clarity on who to hire first or next so you can take time off from your business without feeling anxious or guilty


VIP Tech Package:
Grow your business faster without getting stuck in the weeds. You will get:

  • Get done-for-you lead magnet funnel 

  • An application funnel already mapped out 

  • Calendar systems to skyrocket your productivity

  • More time-saving templates as well as 

  • Access to Go High Level (the best CRM system for health professionals & wellness coaches) for 12 months

Don’t just take our word for it

“I more than doubled my monthly revenue and learned how to automate my business”

Before joining the program, I was maxing out on how many clients I could take per month and the revenue I could achieve. This program showed me a new perspective and helped me develop a group program that helped me scale my business and expand the way I can help clients. I believe it would take me years to learn all the secrets on my own without the guidance of Javier and Marissa. I have 0 regrets and believe that if you’re willing to follow their lead, you will see great returns.

~Kate B - Run Coach 

“Within one month, I was able to pre-sell a program and make back the investment into the program.”

The program helped me scale this side hustle from earning $7k annually to $130k annually over the course of 15 months. I was able to leave my 9-5 shortly after, and now I see all the possibilities that running your own private practice brings. It’s not easy to step away from a safe and secure job, but learning that I can do what I love while helping people in ways that I didn’t even know were possible, earning more money than before, and having more time for my family…that is the freedom I didn’t know existed. And with an online business, the amount of people we can reach and help is incredible. It feels like the sky is the limit.

~Katie Dodd, RD

“The program helped me grow my community of 128 people to 2000+ people of qualified leads within a year.”

Despite being in a business for seven years prior to joining the program, I had a hard time building an online community. The best thing about Javi & Marissa is that they will teach you how to talk to people about your business in a way that doesn’t feel salesy. They help you gain confidence, have genuine conversations, and learn systems that work. When you join The Freedom Sprint, you will get two dedicated coaches truly invested in your success. I only wish I met them sooner.

~Kimberly Lukhard, Hockey Mom & RD

What working with us looks like

Transformational coaching programs focused on results

Unmatched Accountability

We have weekly accountability forms to ensure you can stay on track. You also get scheduled check-ins with Alayna, our Accountability Coach, and Client Success Director.

Thriving Community

We believe that being in a community with other talented entrepreneurs creates a foundation of innovation and strategic collaboration that stays with you throughout your career.

Personalized Mentorship

All of our clients get individual coaching calls for personalized guidance to grow their business. We customize our guidance to each client.

Organic Growth

Organic marketing strategies are connection-focused, authentic, and sustainable. When you build a relationship with your community, peers, and audience, you’re creating a foundation for abundance from a place of authenticity.

Value-first Approach

We focus on providing value first, always, and we teach our clients to do the same. We always talk about leading with value and from a place of service to build relationships, market and sell.

Time-saving Templates

We believe in working smarter - not harder. That’s why we share time-saving templates for all business activities: Canva graphics, scripts for messenger, discovery calls, sales calls, types of posts/captions, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, we offer accessible payment plans so you can start building and scaling your business without worrying about the finances. We also partner with a funding company that can help you get the right financial support for your stage of business and requirements.

Do you offer any guarantee?

Yes - we offer a satisfaction guarantee unlike most other programs in the space. We guide you to make your investment back or continue to support you until you do. Your success means the world to us.

How long do I have access to the program?

You get lifetime access to the course modules as well as our exclusive clients-only community so you can stay connected with your peers, get inspired, and swap ideas with brilliant experts in the field. Recordings of the coaching calls (both group and individual) are only available during the length of the program.

What if I want to continue working with you after the program ends? 

Yes! We believe that entrepreneurs need support from mentors and like-minded peers. That’s why we have options for you to stay connected with us for continued support.

How are these health & wellness business coaching programs different from other programs in the industry? 

Great question - we love that you’re committed to choosing the best next step for your business growth.

  • You'll work with a team of high-caliber, strategic business minds who are also health and wellness industry experts 

  • We offer the most comprehensive program out there based on a decade of experience running profitable private practices

  • We offer more coaching calls and support compared to other programs (both group and individual coaching calls) because we understand how important accountability is in those growth phases.

  • You also get your own accountability coach!

  • We provide a step-by-step roadmap and checklist so you can stay on track

  • We provide extensive checklists, templates, cheat sheets, and scripts you can easily tailor to your business 

  • Our coaching calls are hosted by specialists. For example, our sales coaching calls are led by a registered dietitian and sales expert who has closed over six figures in sales

  • Our systems and automations calls are hosted by a virtual assistant and tech expert who is sought-after for creating efficient ecosystems for health & wellness businesses.

  • An engaged community - a safe space to connect and collaborate with other trailblazing health & wellness business owners who can be strategic business growth partners in the future

  • In this program, we CARE about your success - you are not just a number on our sales dashboard.

  • That’s also why we offer a satisfaction guarantee!

Can I join even if I don’t have a business yet? 

Absolutely - our Freedom Sprint program is perfect for you if you’re still at your 9-to-5 and getting ready to register and launch your business.

Can I join if I'm currently in school or actively working through a certification program to become a healthcare professional or wellness coach?

You’re welcome to join; we love that you’re so proactive! When you develop your business growth and coaching skills, you’ll be ready to take on clients by the time you’re credentialed.

I don't have a niche or idea of what to focus on in my business. Will you help me with that? 

Absolutely. Our Freedom Sprint program walks you through the process of determining your dream customer and developing your money-making message so you can stand out, create better content, and feel aligned with your work. Waiting to join later will only put you further behind. 

Can you tell me more about the coaching calls in your programs?

All of our programs offer a wide variety of group coaching calls and 1:1 coaching sessions with either Javier, Marissa, or the experts on our team. We have calls that focus specifically on: goal setting & accountability, mindset, networking, sales conversations, content review, systems & automations, and anything else that comes up for you. 

I have a lot going on right now - what if I can’t show up for the coaching calls?

That’s totally okay - we get that you’re busy! All calls are recorded and uploaded to a course library so you can always catch the replays. However, we do encourage you to attend at least one group coaching call per week (cameras on and actively engaged) to make the most out of the experience and stay on track. Also, feel free to bring all your questions to these calls so you can keep the momentum going. 

How long is the program commitment?

We have two programs based on your stage of business growth. Our Freedom Sprint program is a 6-month commitment, while our Mastermind program is a year-long commitment.

How long will it take me to work through the programs?

We understand time is of the essence, and our module videos have been created to deliver the most value in the shortest amount of time

The videos are between 5-15 minutes in length and can even be listened to at 2x speed if you’d like (cutting the time in half). 

Our Freedom Sprint Program has 3 phases. Most people complete the 3 phases within the first 2-3 months of the program and use the remainder of the program to sharpen their skills, get feedback, and grow their practice.

You deserve expert guidance that’s worthy of your ambition and brilliance. Ready to take your biggest leap yet?

Our Mission

We’re on a mission to help registered dietitians and certified nutrition coaches build + scale their private practice to increase their income and impact. Get ready to build the career you’ve always wanted, while inviting more freedom and flexibility into your life.

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