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Building Your Super Team: Achieving Financial and Time Freedom in Your Business

Building Your Super Team

August 01, 20236 min read

If you're tired of juggling multiple responsibilities and working long hours without making significant progress, it's time to consider building your super team. The key to unlocking your potential and achieving financial and time freedom lies in assembling the right team to support and grow your business. In this blog, we will explore the different stages of business growth, the challenges you might encounter, and how to strategically hire team members to propel your business forward. Let's embark on the journey to creating a successful and impactful business!

8 Reasons

The Success Pyramid : Identifying Where You Stand

Before diving into building your super team, let's assess where you currently stand in your entrepreneurial journey. The success pyramid consists of four levels:

  1. Level 1 - Employee : Laying The Foundation For Your Business
    As an employee, you might be unsure of how to start and grow your business. To succeed, you need to gain foundational knowledge in business concepts and set up your business correctly. Focus on improving your mindset to transition from an employee's mindset to a business owner's mindset, viewing expenses as investments in your business's growth.

  2. Level 2 - Side Hustle: Growing Smartly and Strategically
    While having a side hustle is a great step towards your goals, it's essential to move past this stage. You might feel overworked and exhausted, managing your regular job and your passion project simultaneously. To advance, you must learn how to serve your audience, market effectively, and master the art of sales to boost your confidence in your business.

  3. Level 3 - Self Employed : Gaining Freedom Without Dependency
    As a self-employed individual, you have clinical freedom but lack financial and time freedom. Your business relies heavily on your direct efforts, making it challenging to take time off without impacting revenue. To overcome this hurdle, focus on growing your awareness and impact, building a strong team to support your business's growth.

  4. Level 4 - Business Owner : Leveraging Systems and a World-Class Team
    At the pinnacle of success, you become a business owner, where you own systems that run independently without you. Leverage technology and people to create efficiencies within your business. Hire strategically to ensure you have the right team members who share your vision and contribute to your business's growth.

When, How, Why and Who to Hire:

If you're at that point right now or you foresee wanting to impact and help hundreds, thousands, if not millions of people, you're going to need to do this.

The Delegate and Elevate exercise, is something we take our clients through, basically an exercise where you put down all the things that you do on a day-to-day basis both business and personal. Then you sort based on how we teach, in four quadrants, which one of those quadrants you put it in?

Is it stuff that you love and are great at?
Is it stuff that you hate and suck at? And there's two other quadrants there, depending on where you put those. It tells you who you should hire next, what you should delegate, and what you should keep.

8 Reasons

These exercises help you identify where you're losing time and energy, and potentially some money as well. Here are a couple tips to remember whenever you're hiring: hire slow and fire fast.

It's important to date before you get married. You want to essentially set up your new hires for a 14 day trial or a 30, 60 or 90 day trials, and then you can officially hire them. This allows you to save a significant amount of time and paperwork. Additionally, it enables you to essentially test individuals before committing to the full hiring process and bringing them onboard the team saving you lots of time, energy, and money.

Who should your first hire be?

If you're just beginning to set up your business and assembling the pieces, selecting your first hire becomes crucial. Opt for someone who can free up your time, allowing you to focus on Revenue Producing Activities (RPAs) that drive your business forward. Outsourcing tasks like household chores, errands, and other non-essential activities to a team member can significantly increase your productivity and efficiency.

To find an Assistant, tap into your network and reach out to potential candidates who meet the criteria. Utilize social media platforms to post the job opening and engage with local community groups to discover suitable candidates. By prioritizing this initial hire, you'll empower yourself to be the driving force behind your business and its growth. Remember to concentrate on tasks that directly impact essential aspects of your life, such as health, faith, finances, and family.

If your nomadic lifestyle leaves you with minimal day-to-day responsibilities related to a fixed living space, it's time to think about hiring an Executive Assistant as your first team member. You have two options in this situation: you can either hire a local assistant to manage your daily personal affairs, or if those tasks are already taken care of, you can focus on hiring an executive assistant to support your business operations.

An executive assistant is instrumental in freeing up your valuable time within your business. They act as a versatile support system, handling various tasks that would otherwise consume your time and energy. When selecting an executive assistant, you have the flexibility to choose from candidates within the United States or consider virtual assistants from international regions like the Philippines, South America, or Central America.

When hiring an executive assistant, it's essential to prioritize qualities such as punctuality and strong communication skills. Reliability is key, as they will be responsible for efficiently completing tasks on time. Building trust is crucial since they'll be managing critical aspects of both your business and personal life. Look for someone who shares your vision and is inspired by your business's mission, as this alignment will foster a productive and harmonious working relationship.

Some possible tasks for your executive assistant.

Your executive assistant can handle a range of tasks to streamline your business and boost productivity. They efficiently manage your email inbox, schedule appointments, and handle administrative duties like invoicing and financial reviews. Additionally, they can organize software systems, manage podcasts and blogs, engage with your audience, and create standard operating procedures (SOPs) for enhanced efficiency.

Delegating these responsibilities to your executive assistant yields impressive time and energy savings. Just allocating three to five hours per week can lead to a transformed work-life balance, allowing you to focus on critical business activities that drive growth and success. With increased productivity, reduced stress, and more opportunities for advancement, you'll experience a significantly improved quality of life.

If you're ready to bring on some team members, and you'd want a little bit more clarity on who specifically you need on your team right now go ahead and apply HERE to book a quick 15-minute call with one of our team members, we can give you a little bit more clarity on what that would look like for you, who your next best hire is, and what the next best steps are for you. And if it's something that we can help you with, great. If not, that's totally fine. We'll point you to some resources that can help you best.

Want to learn more? Watch the video below!

Building Your Super Team

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Dr. Javier A. Carlin

Dr. Javier A. Carlin is a highly respected physical therapist and entrepreneur, with a passion for helping others achieve optimal health and wellness. With a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification, he has the knowledge and expertise to help individuals improve their physical health through evidence-based treatments and strategies. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Carlin is also the co-founder of The Practice Revolution, where he and his wife Marissa Carlin, a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Sports Nutrition, helps new and emerging nutrition experts build successful private practices. With their extensive experience in organic marketing and sales, they are able to guide these professionals in building profitable and sustainable businesses that align with their lifestyle and income goals. As a partner at a top clinic in Tampa Bay, Dr. Carlin has proven his ability to quickly grow a business, taking an outpatient PT clinic from zero to 80 visits per week in just a few short months. His dedication to helping others and his expertise in building successful practices make him a valuable asset to the Forbes Councils. Under his guidance, nutrition experts can not only improve the health and well-being of their clients, but also achieve their own professional and financial success.

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